Archived Press Releases 2004-2016

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Just what do people think of stone sculptor David Therriault and his studio, greenhouses, shop, and sculpture garden at Alden Farms?

This filmmaker finds him #inspirational. Click here.

This landscape designer “saw at least a dozen {pieces} I could envision incorporating into a garden.”  Click here.

This journalist has discovered the “Garden of Alden.” Click here.

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In this edition of Marilandica we would like you to get to know Tina Thieme Brown and her Morningstar Studio in Barnesville, in the shadow of Sugarloaf Mountain. In addition to having the mountain for her neighbor, she is surrounded by the Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve, in which she is an active board member of two civic organizations. To download pdf, please click here.

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In the News Again!

This picture of Susan Due Pearcy, one of the artists in the Countryside Artisans Studio Tour, was featured in the Washington Post Local Living section on Thursday, November 29, 2012, to remind all to come to their
Holiday Tour.

Montgomery County Insight magazine features David Therriault of Alden Farms. Click here to read.

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Click here to see the April 11, 2004 article about our tour, published in The Washington Post in their Sunday Source Roadtrip column.


Set in Stone